Ingrown Nail Surgery

Ingrown nails can be a painful and persistent problem. Often causing inflammation, discomfort, and in some cases, infection, they can significantly impact your daily activities. At Running Repairs Physiotherapy and Podiatry on the Central Coast, we offer expert surgical solutions to alleviate the pain and treat the root cause of ingrown nails.

A Permanent Solution to a Persistent Problem

Ingrown nail surgery is a straightforward procedure that provides a long-term solution to recurrent ingrown toenails. Our experienced podiatrists ensure the process is as pain-free and smooth as possible.

Step Without Discomfort

Don't let an ingrown toenail keep you from enjoying your daily activities. With our expert care and surgical solutions, you can step forward pain-free and with confidence.

Personalised care to help you move better.


What to Expect with Ingrown Nail Surgery at Running Repairs:

  1. Thorough Assessment: Our team will conduct a detailed examination of the affected toe, determining the best course of action and ensuring you're a suitable candidate for the procedure.

  2. Expertise and Care: Our podiatrists have years of experience performing ingrown nail surgeries. We prioritise your comfort and safety throughout the process.

  3. Minimal Disruption: The surgery is a minor procedure, often allowing patients to return to most normal activities within a short period.

  4. Post-Surgical Support: After the surgery, we provide guidance on aftercare, ensuring optimal healing and reduced chances of recurrence.


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